How fast is LPHI losing money
How fast is LPHI losing money? The most recent 10 Q shows the company's cash and cash equivalents at $12.7 million. After subtracting out the recent quarterly dividend, the company has $10.9 million left before operating losses that now include an increasing amount of legal fees. Note that the cash was bolstered in the previous quarter due to the sale of assets the company deemed "non essential." The company's cash is substantially down from the past year's 10 K, which showed the Feb. wholesale bikinis As I'm sure you are aware, instant gratification in this day and age is a huge driver. Amazon shoppers willing to spend more to get faster delivery more than doubled from 2013 to 2015 and reached a staggering $55 million. Social Intelligence reports that over 74% of people buying decisions are made based on social media. wholesale bikinis swimwear sale It hurts so much that I did everything for him only to find out that he went to other womenUgh. I know that...